Since our search engine only updates once a week, and this is a huge website,
we thought it might be helpful to maintain a list of our updates and changes,
so that you won't miss a thing!
Newest of What's New.
94% | This Gauge will measure our progress as we work to complete our Surname Center. The Surname Center features family association addresses, Genealogical Website links, GEDCOM and Tiny Tafel collections and message boards for each surname in the 1,000 name collection |
The libraries will be restructured and completed.
The following lineage libraries were complete and will be waiting for you to visit:
This area includes addresses for historical and genealogical societies in every state, helpful internet center links, important dates in each state's history and other research tools and tips. We will continue to expand this area with helpful tips and descriptions of records that can be useful in your research.
If you want to help us to build this area,
please visit
The Genealogy Forum Needs Help From You!Be sure to visit the new Beginner Center's
Printable Genealogy Forms area.
This popular area continues to grow and new forms are being developed.
You can find these among our current offerings:
Plus a link to the Resource Center's Forms Page, to help you find forms that are not yet included here.
Don't forget to try our search engine to locate files or message board postings relevant to your research:
You may also want to check our Internet Message Boards
Alphabetic Surname Message Boards Post your queries today!
Genealogy Forum
Best Site Pick
Award!The Best Site Pick Award is still on hiatus for another few months. Please be sure to send in nominations for your favorite sites
so we can have a good pool of candidate sites to pick from.
To see our award criteria, previous winners,
or to nominate your favorite site,
visit the Best Site Pick Award Site
August Edition [GF NEWS AUGUST 2004] The
GFNEWS team captures the beat of the Genealogy Forum--reporting
on the activities of various forum teams, announcing
new collections in the Resource Centers, spotlighting forum areas, and
reporting on genealogy topics of interest to their readers. |