Former Host Home Pages
Although We no longer have hosts, these folks are still family to us! They are
- avid researchers
- chatters
- genealogy mail list moderators
- lecturers
- USGenWeb volunteers
- writers
Some are serious, some take the light-hearted approach. All are genuinely interested in helping you learn how to make progress in climbing your family tree. Their home pages are listed by their screen name (or pen name as the case may be.)
We know you'll enjoy getting to know these folks better!
From: HOST GFSAngela@aol.com Angela Y. Walton-Raji
Name of Home Page: The African~Native Genealogy Homepage
URL: http://www.african-nativeamerican.com/
"This page is a Celebration of the Estelusti ~ The Freedmen, who are Oklahoma's Black Indians---of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations."From: HOST GFSBeverly@aol.com
Name of Home Page: "Robaglo Manor"
URL: http://members.aol.com/GFSBeverly/index.html
Surnames: Streeter, Gregory, Sanderson, Dix, Monroe, Baker, Doty, Priest, Sprague, Taft, Barn ard, Sherman, Whiting, Lucas, Johnson, Wood, Glosser, Metz, Skelton, Hayes. Site still under construction. Contains link to Taft Family Home Page, and Ellerson page.From: GFSBrenda@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Brenda Bova's Surname Page
URL: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~bova/index.html
Surnames: Adams, Angell, Ashton, Crawford, Danforth, Fiske, Merrick, Warren, Waterman, Whipple, & many more!From: GFSBrenda@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Genealogy Resource Links
URL: http://members.aol.com/BBova2332/resource.htmlFrom: HOST GFSBrenda@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Providence Co., RI USGenWeb
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~riprovid/From: GFSBrenda@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Bristol Co., RI USGenWeb
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ribristo/From: GFSBud@aol.com
From: GFSCarol@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Ancestors of Carol Fox~Zahn
URL: http://members.aol.com/BACAZ/carol.htm
Surnames: Antage/ Beaumont/ Berengar/ Billett/ Blust/ Bonville/ Brock/ Clark/ Cole/ Courtenay/ Crone/ Crossly/ Cruways/ Culver/ Curts/ D'eu/ Dailey/ Dauney/ Debohun/ De Bralose/ De Courtenay/ De Fines/ De Huntington/ De Lusignan/ Dean/ Decker/ Denys/ Drake/ Dumler/ Dunning/ Dyer/ Edwards/ Fanning/ Fitzgeoffrey/ Fox/ Fuchs/ Futter/ Gentry/ Germann/ Gilbert/ Godolphin/ Gorges/ Grenville/ Griswold/ Grosskopf/ Hatch/ Hermann/ Hill/ Jackson/ Jones/ Kelloway/ Kelsey/ Knoefel/ Lightfoot/ Loomis/ Loshbaugh/ Marshal/ Merker/ Messenger/ Miller/ Newberry/ Phelps/ Reiter/ Renick/ Richardson/ Riley/ Rogers/ Root/ Ruggles/ Saunders/ Shaw/ Snider/ Stergeon/ Stewart/ Stanley/ Taillefer/ Tolls/ Trobaugh/ Trupp/ Tuerck/ Underhill/ Vollman/ Weber/ Whittleigh/ Willard/ Wolcott/ Woodbridge/ Woodruff/ White/ Zahn.From: GFS CHUCK FamilyBOBO@aol.com
Home Page for BOBO Family Association.
URL: http://www.familybobo.org/
"Homepage for those researching the surname BOBO (BEAUBEAU, BAUBAU, BABAU, etc.) in the U.S. and Europe. Copies of The BOBO Roots-Cellar newsletter are posted for downloading with dates of BFA reunions and other activities."FamilyBOBO@aol.com has completed a 200-page family cookbook for the BOBO Family Association. Color illustrations are used throughout and a brief genealogy of each submitter is included on the page with their recipe. The 8.5x11-inch book is comb bound with laminated front and back covers.
From: GFSDash@aol.com
Name of Home Page: My Genealogy Page
URL: http://members.aol.com/dashmom/index.html
Surnames: Smith, Warren, Price, Kissinger, Wehry ....and many other New England and Mid-Atlantic region names. "This is my *very* basic page....new in Dec. 1998....It doesn't have much real information yet, just most of my surnames with areas and dates and a picture of my "most wanted" Stephen Smith, who lived in NYC in the mid-1800s and was a partner in the Smith & Dimon shipyard, building clipper ships for the China Tea Trade."From: GFSDdH2@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Civil War Resources
URL: http://hometown.aol.com/d2hober/civilwar.htmFrom: DearMYRTLE@aol.com
Name of Site: DearMYRTLE's Daily Genealogy Column
URL http://www.dearmyrtle.com/From: DearMYRTLE@aol.com
Name of Site: Manasota PAF Users Group
URL: http://www.dearmyrtle.com/PAF/
Monthly newsletter discussions include all genealogy programs, basic genealogy research techniques and internet sites for searching your roots.From: DearMYRTLE@aol.com
Name of Site: Sanpete Co, Utah USGenWeb
URL: http://www.lofthouse.com/USA/Utah/sanpete/index.htmlFrom: GFS Diana ShipSamuel@aol.com
From: GFS Diana, dianahome@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Seeking Pre-1800 German-Speaking Immigrant Ancestors
URL: http://members.aol.com/ShipSamuel/
This page contains over 300 queries from a mail list of genealogists seeking pre-1800 German-speaking immigrant ancestors. They may have been from Germany, Switzerland, or Austria, but arrived in America before 1800. Also includes links to a number of genealogy sites, particularly those specializing in German research or ship passenger lists. [Note: the Ship Samuel made numerous trips from Germany to America in the 1700s.]
Name of Site: Pilgrims, Pioneers & Aliens
URL: http://members.aol.com/dianahome/index.htm Monthly genealogy column with practical ideas for constructive use of your genealogy research time.From: GFSJayne@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Bits of Blue and Gray: An American Civil War Notebook
URL: http://www.bitsofblueandgray.com
Bits of Blue and Gray: An American Civil War Notebook, includes original monthly columns, letters written home by my husband's ancestors, poetry of the time and about the time, songs, "receipts", miscellaneous tidbits, 5 Chapters of the book "Chronicles of the Great Rebellion" by Rev. Allen M. Scott, 1864, are being added each month. We also have contributions from our readers, a list of offline reading, links to our favorite Civil War websites as well as links to some friends' websites.From: GFS John pending@smokykin.com
Name of Home Page: Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest
URL: http://www.smokykin.com/
Surnames:Atchley, Blalock, Bohannon, Bradley, Breeden, Cardwell, Carr/Kear, Clabo/Clabough/Clabaugh, Cogdill, Cole, Dickson/Dixon, Dodgen, Duggan, Emert, Evans, Fox, Franklin, Hardin, Headrick, Henry, Householder, Housser, Huff, Huskey, King, Large, Lawson, Maples, McCarter, McMahan, Myers, Oakley, Ogle, Owenby/Ownby/Ownbey, Parton, Plemons, Proffitt, Ragan/Reagan, Roberts, Rolen, Runyan, Russell, Shields, Shults/Shultz, Stinnett, Townsend, Thomas, Trentham, Trotter, Valentine, Walker, Watson, Wear, Webb, Whaley, Williams, Wilson and more! "Large database, specializing in Eastern TN and New England."From: GFSJohnF johnf14246@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Genealogy Resources on the Internet
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/internet.html
Comments: "There is a wealth of genealogy resources on the Internet that can be accessed through Mailing Lists, USENET Newsgroups, anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, World Wide Web, Telnet, and E-Mail. This document is an inventory of these resources based on personal investigation and the consolidation of information received from others too numerous to mention (we do thank you all)."From: GFSJohnF johnf14246@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Channel Island Genealogy
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/ci.html
From: GFSKate ktlkate@avantek.net
Name of Home Page: Effingham County, ILGENWEB
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ileffing/
Comments: Part of the USGENWEB project.From: GFSLadyJay The6jays@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Julie's Place
URL: http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~mytree/JuliesPlace.html
Surnames: top five would probably be Jackson, Hall, Webb, Smith, Johnson. "Home page is short introduction to myself...but you will find a link on that page, that will take you to my Genealogy page with names and links."From: GFS Laurie LaurieJKen@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Laurie J. Kenville's Genealogy Web Page
URL: http://members.aol.com/lauriejken
Surnames: Aron, Babitzky, Baumel, Berto, Boothe, Boyer, Brewer, Brown, Buchanan, Capek, Carson, Cerney, Clark, Coffinberry, Coleman, Cordry, Curtis, Darwin, Davis, Dunlap, Edwards, Emich, Flenner, Fowler, Frey, Fuerst, Fuller, Gault, Goodall, Grant, Hageman, Hardenbrook, Hill, Hoddal, Howell, Hughs, Israel, Johnson, Kaska, Kaufenbaerger, Keim, Lewison, Lynch, Martin, Masaitis, McWilliams, Miller, Moran, Nethers, Noland, O'Dell, Overacker, Page, Porter, Preston, Ralph, Rickel, Rine, Robinson, Romine, Roney, Ross, Schildt, Shaw, Smith, Stolts, Stover, VanAtta, Vandercook, Vonderau, Waddell, Ware, Westlake, Yantis, Young, plus many more collaterial lines....see INDEX on this page for a complete list of individuals!From: GFS Mel islandroutes@netscape.net
Name of Page: Portuguese Hawaiian Genealogy Website
Exploration of Portuguese Hawaiian ancestry through genealogy
URL: http://www.islandroutes.comFrom: GFSmiltB@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Philadelphia Genealogical Research
URL: http://members.aol.com/botwinick/From: GFSPRO@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Genealogy On And Off Line
URL: http://members.aol.com/rprost/new.html
From: GFSPRO@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Passenger Lists on the Internet
URL: http://members.aol.com/rprost/passenger.htmlFrom: GFSPilgrim@aol.com
Name of Home Page: CKenter838's Family Treehouse or Amos and Mary Pilgrim's Family
URL: http://members.aol.com/CKenter838/family.html
Surnames: Pilgrim, Pilkinton, Timms, Pruett, Johnson, Reynolds, McMahon.From: GFSPilgrim@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Cheryl's Page
URL: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~ckenter838/ckenter838.html
From: GFS Rip AAtwins94@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Pam's Place
URL: http://members.aol.com/AAtwins94/index.htm
Surnames: Robertson, Beyer, Ripplinger, Frey, Cooper, Reeves, Plantagenet, Justice , King, Bernard, Meier, Obrist, Mangold, Holcomb, Rowland/Roland, Reinhold, Fischer, Pressley, Derwin, Hunsaker.From: GFS Sam samcasey@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Notable Women Ancestors
URL: http://www.rootsweb.com/~nwa
"This site honors ALL female ancestors, from the famous to not-so-famous. It contains biographies and genealogy information of hundreds of women, ranging in categories from Pioneers to Witches to Heriones. Submissions are encouraged and welcomed!"From GFS Sam samcasey@aol.com
URL: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~sam/index.html
Surnames: Allen, Alling, Angell, Arnold, Ashton, Batchelder, Bateman, Beach, Behling, Bell, Benedict, Bigelow, Birdsey, Bonneprise, Booth, Bowen, Brewster, Brooks, Bryant, Burnett, Burr, Butterworth, Cady, Caswell, Choate, Church, Churchill, Clark, Clemence, Clerc, Clifton, Cogan, Colburn, Cole, Collins, Cooke, Crow, Curtis, Davis, Day, Deake, Dean, Deane, Delaney, Doolittle, Durham, Dyer, Eddy, Ensminger, Evans, Farmer, Field, Fitch, Fla g g, Foote, Gaylord, Goodspeed, Gould, Granger, Griswold, Gutterson, Hall (3 Lines), Hamby, Hammond, Hayward, Hiney, Hoar, Holmes, Holway, Hoskins, House, Hull, Hutchinson, Jayne, Jeantrout, Jennings, Kilborne, Knapp, Leaming, Lemke, Linton, Little, Lord, L u dlow, Marbury, Martin, Mason, Matthews, Maxson, Merriman, Messinger, Moody, Morrell, Mosher, Moss, Nichols, Olney, Paddock, Paine (2 Lines), Parker, Pearson, Peck, Phelps, Platt, Pratt, Preston, Rhodes, Robinson, Royce, Sanford, Shippee, Sisson, Smith (6 Lines), Spencer, Spinage, Spink, Stebbins, Tough, Townsend, Turner (2 Lines), Tuttle, Updike, Wait(E) (2 Lines), Warren (2 Lines), Waters, Wesson, Whipple, Wightman, Wilbore, Wilcox, Willcoxen, Williams (3 Lines), Williamson, Wilson, Woode.From: GFS Search & GFSLynnB Search4Kin@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Marshall Genealogy Page
URL: http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~marshall/gene.htm
Surnames: Adams, Addams, Addison, Alden, Allen, Ambler, Armitt, Armistead, Arthur, Aston, Austin, Bacon, Baker, Baldwin, Banister, Bedell, Bennett, Beverley, Bickham, Bland, Blackwell, Blott, Boller, Bolling, Boosey, Bowlby, Bowles, Brearly, Brenton, Bridge, Brooke, Brown, Bruen, Buckner, Burford, Burrage, Burton, Burwell, Bushrod, Butler, Byrd, Carmichael, Carmick, Carter, Cary, Chiswell, Church, Churchman, Clapp, Clarke, Clarkson, Clayton, Cleeve, Coale, Coats, Cocke, Coffin, Collins, Cooke, Corbin, Corker, Cowperthwaite, Cox, Crawford, Dickinson, Dorr, Downes, Downing, Dunn, Dyer, Eatton, Eckel, Ellis, Emerson, Farmar, Fauntleroy, Field, Fielding, Fleming, Forster, Fox, Francis, Frazier, Giles, Gill, Griffin, Grinnell, Gwynn, Halderman, Hall, Hardman, Harrison, Hartshorne, Hatley, Heath, Heckckscher, Heritage, Higginson, Hill, Hillman, Hobson, Hooper, Hopkins, Hopper, Hoppin, Horsmanden, How, Hugg, Hunt, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hynson, Ironmonger, Isham, Jaquelin, Jenkins, Johns, Johnston, Keene, Keith, Kensey, Knowles, Kock, Landon, Lane, Lanford, Large, Lawrence, Lea, Ledyard, Lewis, Linthicum, Livezey, Loveridge, Ludlowe, Mainwaring, Marbury, Markham, Marshall, Martiau, Mayhew, McHugh, McIlvaine, Meade, Melyn, Miller, Mitton, Morris, Mozer, Murdock, Murray, Neale, Nicholas, Norris, Norton, Nunnes, Olden, op den Graeff, Pabodie, Paschall, Pate, Pattison, Paull, Peirsey, Pemberton, Pennypacker, Perkins, Perne, Peter, Peyton, Philbrook, Phillips, Pickett, Pile, Plater, Plumley, Poultney, Poulterer, Rakestraw, Randolph, Rawson, Reade, Redfield, Reeve, Reilly, Robeson, Roberts, Rodman, Rogers, Rogerson, Root, Salter, Savage, Scarisbrook, Selden, Sellen, Sergeant, Sherwood, Shippen, Shreve, Skill, Slesman, Smith, Snowden, Soden, Southworth, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Stanley, Starr, Stegge, Steiger, Steptoe, Stevens, Stoothoff, Stovell, Stretch, Taliaferro, Tasker, Tatnall, Tayloe, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Throckmorton, Throope, Towneley, Turner, Twyne, Tyng, Tyson, Umstead, Umstat, Wakeman, Waldron, Walker, Waln, Wanger, Wardell, Warner, Warren, Watmough, Weld, West, White, Whiting, Wilkinson, Willard, Willett, Willis, Wilson1, Wilson2, Wingate, Wooley, Woolrich, Worsam, Yaeger, Zerban. All families are found in the area between Virginia and Maine.From: GFS Suzanne Genleves@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Suzanne Lévesque genealogy page
URL: http://members.aol.com/genleves/english/index.html
Surnames: Chouinard, Côté, Dumont, Lévesque, Michaud, Rouleau, Thériault
Comments: Descendant of my gr-gr-grandparents. French Canadians; many left for the United States to go to work in mill towns, mostly in New England.From: GFA Terry GFATerry@aol.com
Name of Homepage: Morgan - Matson - Whittaker - Yancey - Family Tree - Genealogy
URL: http://www.matson.info
Comments: 20,000 name database on Terry's families and many related lines (over 6,000 families). Major lines include Morgan, Sharp, Castle, Griffith, Lyons, Oviatt, Yancey, Matson, Yoakum and WhittakerFrom: GFS Vicki MacPinhead@aol.com
Name of Home Page: Shermans of Yaxley Family History Society
URL: http://www.soysite.com/treehouse.html
Surnames: we research SHERMAN everywhere! And related lines.
Comments: We are a family history society devoted to the research of SHERMAN everywhere and all related lines, we also paper-publish a quarterly newsletter with queries. Our web site has many research links and tips, member pages, queries, list of SHERMAN research books, etc.From: GFSWaffle@aol.com
Name of Home Page The Hocutt Family of Celeste
URL http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/UncleHiram/index.htmlFrom: GFSWaffle@aol.com
Name of Home Page Nomocotton, Texas
URL http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/UncleHiram/NOMOCO1.htmlFrom: GFSWaffle@aol.com, aka UncleHiram
Name of Home Page: UnkHiram's Newsletter Forum
URL: http://www.bhocutt.com/
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