About This Area
Welcome to the Genealogy Forum's "Genealogy Conferences & Events" area!
Besides providing a fun place online to research your genealogy and share information with others, the Genealogy Forum strives to bring you in touch with the latest information in the world of genealogy. From the message boards where you seek and share information, to the extensive file libraries we maintain, to the growing list of Internet site links -- our goal is to promote scholarship in the areas of genealogy and family history.
The Genealogy Forum is delighted to bring you information about conferences, meetings, and other special events related to the topic of genealogy. You'll find documents here that will link you to special genealogical conferences, ethnic society meetings, special nationally-broadcast television presentations, and other events that provide you the opportunity to expand your research and enjoyment.
Our policy is to list only national, regional, state, ethnic, cultural, and other, similar types of genealogical conferences. The Genealogy Forum neither endorses nor recommends these events. We bring these announcements to your attention so that you can select to participate in any of the events that seems appropriate to your lines of interest.
If there are additional conferences, meetings, or events that you feel should be considered for inclusion in this area, please don't hesitate to contact our webmaster, GFS Brenda@aol.com, via Email. Notices regarding family reunions should be sent through the submission form for inclusion in the announcements in the Reunion Center .
We hope you'll check here often for new events. See you at the conferences!
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Golden Gate Services, Inc. of Armada, Michigan.
© 1998 - 2005 All Rights Reserved. Brenda Jean Bova, President.
The Genealogy Forum is a member of the Federation of Genealogical Societies and the National Genealogical Society.
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