What is Protocol?
As you've been exploring online, if you have visited any chatrooms, you may have come across a conference that was utilizing Protocol.
Protocol is used for many reasons. It is used when a conference has a speaker, so that the speaker can give the talk without being interrupted.
It is also used as a means for maintaining the topic.
It is a means by which members can ask questions, be noticed and called upon with their questions.
If you enter a chat where protocol is about to be used, you might see a notice sent to the screen similar to the example below:
* OK {{roomies}}, it's time for our talk - turn on your logs...
* Welcome to this week's special talk!! Glad to have you!
* THIS TALK is on Migration, given by Jonah
* We are going into #PROTOCOL# for this talk - *NOW*
* PROTOCOL means we ask there be NO CHATTING during the talk. :)
* It would be like interrupting an invited guest speaker at a meeting.
* Afterward, you may ask questions and comment on things the speaker has said.
* We will go back into Open Chat following the Q & A period. :)
* So, sit back, relax and enjoy!
If you enter a conference where protocol is being used, you will probably be sent an Instant Message like this:
Welcome to the chat >screen name<. Tonight our speaker is Jonah and he is giving a talk on Migration.
Please type only a ? for a question and a ! for a comment. You will be added to the queue. Please don't type anything else until you have been called on.
When it's your turn, you can use multiple lines, connected with "..." Please type "GA" (go ahead) when you are finished.
In the conference, you will probably notice that just one person is talking. You will also notice that members might type a ? or a !.
The ? is for a question, and the ! is for a comment. You will also notice that there is a host that posts the queue.
HOST GFS _____: Queue. Razooks, Marni, Jo2435
Note that the speaker will call on Razooks who asks the question, followed by GA.
The speaker will then answer the question, and call on the next person in line, who would be Marni.
After all the questions and comments have been answered, if there is still time in the chat, the host may advise that Protocol is no longer being followed. At this time you may feel free to jump in with unrelated questions or comments.
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