Unk Hiram's
Beginning Genealogy Lessons
Lesson #12
Lesson 12: Mailing Lists
I am glad to see y'all have not given up yet. As we wander through the endless minefields of false leads and dead ends inherent in our chosen obsession (genealogy), wouldn't it be nice if there was a place where we could find other folks researching the same surnames or regions of the world that we are? A place where we could share data or at least get the morale boost of knowing that there are other folks out there chasing the same impossible dream. Imagine the joy of getting an e-mail from someone you never knew supplying that key bit of information you need to finally chase down that missing link to Uncle Jethro and integrate him into the family tree.
Believe it or not there is such a place.....or at least a tool that can provide this information to you. It's called a "mailing list". There are literally thousands of mailing lists out there that deal with genealogy. They range in subjects from specific locations, wars, religions to surnames. You can find mailing lists for every county in the United States and for most foreign countries. There are mailing lists on almost every surname imaginable. A couple of mailing lists that I recommend for almost everyone are GOLDEN-GATE-L-request@rootsweb.com (Now defunct - a mailing list that keeps you informed about what is going on in this Forum), Roots-L@rootsweb.com (one of the best known general genealogy lists on the web), and Gen-Newbies-L@rootsweb.com (a list dedicated to helping folks that are new to computers or genealogy).
I hear you out there asking "Just what in the name of Uncle Jethro's homemade moonshine is a mailing list." A mailing list is a whole bunch of folks that are looking for the same thing sharing information via e-mail. Wait, don't panic, it doesn't mean you have to remember 4 gazillion e-mail addresses or share yours with half the known world and Maine. A computer manages all the postings and to respond to a post you just gotta send an e-mail to the list. All you gotta do to join one of these nifty little thangs is send an email to the list with the word "subscribe." This allows you talk to all the other root chasers on the list via e-mail.
Now the rules on the various mailing lists differ from list to list so you need to read them before you post a query. They are a terrific resource that can help to break down those brick walls for you. After you find the lists you need to help you in your research, all you need to do is follow the simple instructions (usually on the site describing the list) to subscribe and start sharing info with the other folks researching the same subject you are. I also want to point out that the mailing lists are FREE.
I can hear you thinking, "How do I find the lists." The single best reference I know of for mailing lists is John Fuller's mailing list site. His site can help direct you to the list you need. The URL for John's outstanding site is http://www.rootsweb.com/~jfuller/gen_mail.html
Check it out, subscribe to the mailing lists for your surnames or region. Post a few queries and lets get those trees growing.
Q & A Section:
- The subjects of mailing lists are very limited.
- True
- False
- Only in Maine
- The cost of mailing lists is __________.
- $19.95 a year
- A one time payment of $199.95 per mailing list.
- FREE --- NADA -------Nothing
- Mailing lists can help you in your research by ____________.
- Connecting you with other people searching for the same information
- Filling your mailbox with adds for new and improved genealogical software.
- Finding specific instructions on filling out the paperwork for a visa to visit Maine.
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