Unk Hiram's
Beginning Genealogy Lessons
Lesson #11
Lesson 11: USGENWEB
So you have talked to your family, did the courthouse hop, and walked the cemeteries. Now you are wondering, "What can I do next? I know my ancestor came from Adair County, Iowa but how in the world do I find information from there without making that long drive?" Your next step on the road to ancestral bliss is to check out the net's Best FREE genealogy project, which is the USGENWEB (United States Genealogy Web). This is a "family" of sites dedicated to genealogy.
Let's take a quick browse through it so you can get a feel for what you can find there. Go to your Internet browser and type in the URL http://www.usgenweb.org. This will pull up the main page for the United States Genealogy Web Project. The first thing you will notice is eighteen separate sections. They are
- State Pages for the Project --- In this section, there are individual pages for every state in the Union (and the South too). On these state pages you will find links to a separate web page for every county in the state. These pages are run by volunteers who are constantly putting up good genealogical data for you to use in your research. Every county in the country as well as all the information is FREE.
- The USGENWEB Project Archives --- Actual copies of thousands of legal documents that you can peruse and search for information on your ancestors.
- Census Projects --- This section has links to two of the fantastic census pages maintained by USGENWEB volunteers.
- The USGENWEB Tombstone Project --- This site has lots of surveys from cemeteries where volunteers have gone out and "transcribed" the cemetery.
- Other Projects --- This section has links to some of the special genealogical and historical projects sponsored by USGENWEB.
The next 13 sections are about USGENWEB itself and how it does its thing. The USGENWEB is a terrific tool for doing your research, but remember everything has to be verified. Take some time and wander around the site and see all the material there for the amateur genealogist.
Q & A Section:
- The USGENWEB is the:
- Unites States Genealogy Web Project
- The phone book for chiropractors operating in Maine
- A completely volunteer genealogy project
- A and C
- The USGENWEB has separate sites for:
- Every county in Maine (only)
- Every state in the United States
- Every county in the United States
- Every professional genealogist
- The USGENWEB costs:
- $24 per year
- $9.99 a month
- $5.00 per look up
- Nothing, nada, absolutely zilch. Its a FREE site.
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