Huguenot Reading List


Compiled by

A Huguenot Research Guide
by Arlene H. Eakie and Linda E. Brinkerhoff. (1)
"Huguenot Genealogical Research"
by Charles M. Franklin

Copies of the publication, Huguenot Research Sources, can be purchased from Family History World, P.O. Box 22045, Salt Lake City, UT 84122. The publication also contains lists of Huguenot congregations and a collection of maps. (2)
"Huguenot Ancestry"
by Noel Currer-Briggs and Royston Gambier, Phillmore & Co. LTD., Shopwyke Hall, Chichester, Sussex, England, 1985. (3)

Many of the publications are listed in more than one of the above referenced publications, and many of the listings do not contain complete information on the publishers or dates of publication. All are listed as possible reference material for those researching Huguenot ancestry. Several of the research sources are listed in each of the above publications. The compiler has listed a source only once.


______________. The Actes du Consistorie (Consistory Records) of the French Church of London. (1)

Lord Acton. "History of Freedom & Other Essays." London, England, 1907. (3)

Agnew, David C.A. "Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV." London, 1871. (2)

Agnew, Purl Myrtille. "Protestant Exiles from France, Chiefly in the Reign of Louis XIV; or, The Huguenot Refugees and their Descendants in Great Britain and Ireland." 3rd ed., 2 v. Edinburgh: Turnbull and Spears, 1886. (1)

Allen, Cameron. "Huguenot Migration." Genealogical Research. Vol. 2. Washington, D.C.: American Society of Genealogists, 1971. Article includes list of printed parish registers of French Churches. (1)

Andrieux, M. "Henri IV dans ses annes pacifique." Paris, 1954. (3)

Anselme, Pere. "Histoire de la Maisson Royalle de France." Paris, 1723-33. (3)

Armstrong, E. "The French Wars of Religion." London, 1892. (3)

Arsenault, Bona. "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadians." Ottawa: Editions Lemac Inc., 1978. See also Janet B. Jehn. (1)

Arsenault, Bona. "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadians." Quebec: Conseil de la Vie francaise en Amerique, 1965. (1)

Arsenault, Bona. "Histoire of the Acadians." Quebec: Le Conseil de la vie francaise en Amerique, 1966. (1)

Audin, Margaret. "Tracing Ancestors in France." The Genealogists' Magazine. 20 (Dec. 1981): 253-256. (1)

d'Aumale, H. duc. "Histoire des Princes de Conde pendant les XVIe et XVII." e siecles, 8 vols. Paris, 1863-96. (3)

Bailey, Jack Dalton. "The Family History of the French Huguenot Abraham Salle and His Descendants." Harrodsburg, KY: for the author, 1992. (1)

Baird, Charles Washington. "History of the Huguenot Emigration to America." Baltimore, MD, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1793. (1)

Baird, Henry M. "History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France." New York: AMS Press, 1970. (1)

Baird, Henry M. "The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre." London, 1886. (3)

Baird, Henry M. "The Huguenots and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes." London, 1895. (3)

Baxter, James P. "The Pioneers of New France in New England." Joel Munsell's Sons, Albany, NY, 1894 (2)

________________. Bartholomew's Survey Gazetteer of the British Isles. (3)

Beers. Henry Putney. "The French in North America; A Bibliographical Guide to French Archives, Reproductions and Research Missions." Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 1957. (1)

Bell, Winthrop Pickard. "The 'Foreign Protestants' and the Settlement of Nova Scotia." Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press. 1961. (2)

Benoir, Elie. "Histoire de l'Edict de Nantes." Paris. 1875. (3)

van Beresteyn, Dr. E.A. "Genealogisch Reportorium." The Hague, Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, 1948. (2)

Berger-Levault. "Dictionnaire des Communes." Paris, 1980. (3)

Berthault, Jules. "Les Emigres francais a Londres." Paris, 1904. (3)

Beuleke, Wilhelm. "The Huguenots in Lower Saxony." Hildesheim, Ger. Vol. 58, 1960. (2)

Bibliotheque Nationale. "List of Exiled French Protestants, Abjurations, etc." at French National Library, Paris. (1)

Bibliotheque Wallonne (Leiden). "Fiches op de Registers, Collectie La Rochelle, 1602-1685. 3 microfilmspoein, film #199,954 - 199-956. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Center. (1)

Bibliotheque Wallonne (Leiden). "Fiches op de Registers, Collectie Miradolle, 1644-1858." 21 microfilmspoein, film #199,963 - 199-983. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Center. (1)

Bibliotheque Wallonne (Leiden). "Fiches op de Registers, Collectie Montauban 1647-1682." 6 microfilmspoein, film #199,957 - 199-962. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Center. (1)

Bibliotheque Wallonne (Leiden). "Fiches op de Waalse Registers, 1500-1828." 199 microfilmspoein, film #199,755 - 199-953. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Center. (1)

Bielenstein, Gabrielle M. "Huguenot Refugees in the Settling of Colonial America." New York: Huguenot Society of America, 1985.

Bitton, D. "The French Nobility in Crisis, 1540-1640." London, 1969. (3)

Botha, Colin Graham. "The French Refugees at the Cape." The Hague. 1951 (2)

Briggs, Robin. "Early Modern France, 1560-1717." London, 1977.

_____________. British Library Periodical Publications, London. (3)

Brock, Robert Alonzo. "Documents Relating to the Huguenot Emigration to Virginia, and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town, with an Appendix of Genealogies, including FONTAINE, MAURY, DUPUY, MARYE, CHASTAIN, COCKE and other families." 247 p., plus 8; LC 63-526. Original publishing by Virginia Book Co., 114 So. Church St., P.O. Box 431, BERRYVILLE, VA 22611; Reprint, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979. (1)

Brock, R.A. "Miscellaneous Papers, 1672-1863." Virginia Historical Society. Richmond, VA: by the Society. (1)

Browning, A. "History of the Huguenots." 2 vols. London, 1829. (3)

Bugg, James Luckin Jr. "The French Huguenot Frontier Settlement of Manakin Town." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. 61. (1953): 359-394. (1)

Buisseret, J. "Sully and the Growth of Centralized Government in France." London, 1968. (3)

Burchall, Michael. "National Genealogical Directory." London. (3)

Butler, Jon. "The Huguenots in America: A Refugee People in New World Society." Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. 1893. (1)

Camp, A.J. "Wills and their Whereabouts." London, 1971. (3)

Capewell, J. "Index of Nonconformist Registers." London, 1965. (3)

Carpenter, Esther Bernon. "South County Studies of Some Eighteenth Century Persons, places and Conditions in that Portion of Rhode Island Called Nagansett." Boston: Subscribers, 1924. (1)

__________. "Cashiers de Genealogies Protestants. 1977--." Centre de Genealogie Protestants, 54 rue des Saintes -- Peres, Paris, France. (1)

__________. "Census Records for French Refugees in Switzerland, 1693, 1696, 1698." Societe de l'historire du Protestantisme francais Bulletin, Vols. 82-88 (1933-1939). (1)

Chaix-d'Est-Ange, G. "Liste des Families Francaises." Cover letters A-Gau only. (Incomplete work). Paris, 1910. (3)

Chambeau, Colonel. "The Effect of the Huguenot Emigration on France and Germany and on the Germans." Berlin, 1938. (2)

Chambrier, Alexandre de. "Henri de Mirmand and les Refugees de la Revocation de L'Edit de Nantes, 1650-1721." Neuchatel, 1910. (2)

Channier, Adrian Charles, ed. "Les Actes des Colloques des Eglises Francaises et des Synodes des Eglises Etrangeres Refugiees en Angleterre, 1581-1654." Lymington. Huguenot Society of London, Publication No. 2, 1890. (2)

Chapuy, Paul. "Origine des Noms Patronymiques Francais." Paris. (2)

Chastain, James Garvin. "A Brief History of the Huguenots and Three Family Trees: Chastain, Lockridge, Stockton." Shaw, MS. for the author, 1933. (1)

de la Chenaye-Desbois & Badier. "Dictionnaire de la Noblese Francaise." Paris, 1895. (3)

Childs, St. Julien Ravenel. "The Petit-Guerrard Colony." South Carolina Historical Magazine. 43 (1942): 1-17, 88-97. (1)

Clasen, Claus-Peter. "The Antibaptists in South Central Germany, Switzerland and Austria: Names, Occupations, Places of Residence and Dates of Conversion. 1525-1618." Ann Arbor, MI: Mennonite Historical Society, 1978. (1)

Clottu, Olivier. "Genealogical Research in the French Speaking Parts of Switzerland, Including Swiss Huguenot Records." Salt Lake City, UT: World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar, 1969. (1)

Clute, Robert F. "The Annals and Parish Register of St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish in South Carolina from 1680 to 1884." Genealogical Publishing Co. (Reprint) 1974. (2)

C.N.R.S. "Bibliographic annuelle de l'Historie de France." Paris. (3)

Cobb, Georgia Nellie Chandler. "Register of Huguenot Ancestors." Washington, DC: 1975. (1)

Conradt, Dr. "The Huguenot in Prussia, 1686-1836." Koenigsberg, 1928. (2)

Cooper, William Durrant. "Lists of Foreign Protestants and Aliens, Resident in England, 1618-1688." Westminster, 1862. (2)

Cordier, Leopold. "Hugenottisch Famillennamen in Deutschland." Berlin: Verlag des Deutschen Hugenotten-Vereins. (1)

Coquerel, C. "Histoire des Eglises du Desert." Paris, 1841. (3)

de Councelles. "Histoire Genealogique et Heraldique des Paris de France." Paris, 1824. (3)

Coveney, B. "France in Crisis, 1620-1715." London, 1977. (3)

Cox, J. & Padfield, T. "Tracing your Ancestors in the PRO." London, 1981. (3)

Cross, Frances William. "History of the Walloon and Huguenot Church at Canterbury." Canterbury, Huguenot Society of London, Vol. 15, 1898. (2)

Cunningham, W. "Alien Immigrants to England." London, 1970. (3)

Currier-Briggs, N. "Virginia Settlers & English Adventurers." London, 1969. (3)

Currier-Briggs, N. "English Adventurers & Colonial Settlers." London, 1970. (3)

Currier-Briggs, N. "English Wills of Colonial Families." London, 1970. (3)

Currier-Briggs, N. & Gambier, R.F. "Debretts Family Historian." London, 1981. (3)

Davis, Harry Alexander. "Some Huguenot Families of South Carolina and Georgia." 2nd Edition., revised and enlarged. Washington, DC: 1926. (1)

Dauzat, A. "Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille et Prenoms de France." Paris, 1951. (3)

Demarest, David D. "Huguenots on the Hakensack." New Brunswick, NJ: Daily Freedom Stream, 1886. (1)

Denis, P. "Bibliographie de l'Histoire Demographique des Refuges Flamandes et Wallons en Angleterre, 1558-1625." (See Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire du Protestantisme Belge, Vol. 6, 1975). Paris. (3)

Desalles, Adrien. "Histoire generale des Antilles." Paris, 5 v., 1847. (2)

___________________. "Descendants of the Refugees -- The Witnesses in Sackcloth." London, 1852. (3)

Des Cognets, Louis. "English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records." Princeton, NJ: The Compiler, 1958. (1)

Doucet, R. "Les Institutions de la France au 16e siecle." Paris, 1948. (3)

Douglas, Donald. "The Huguenot: Emigrations, Particularly to New England." NY: Dutton, 1954. (1)

Douglas, William. "The Douglas Register, Being a Detailed Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths Together with Other Interesting Notes, as Kept by the Reverend William Douglas, from 1750 to 1797...Notes of the French-Huguenot Refugees Who Lived in Manakin-Town." Baltimore: MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Reprint, 1966. (1)

DuBourdieu, William J. "Baby on Her Back: A History of the Huguenot Family DuBourdieu." Lake Forest, IL: N. Gladys DuBourdieu and Richard J. DuBourdieu, 1967. (1)

Dubose,"Samuel and F.A. Porcher. A Contribution to the History of the Huguenots of South Carolina Consisting of Pamphlets." Columbia, SC: Brayan Co., Reprint, 1972. (1)

Dunn, R.S. "The Age of Religious Wars, 1559-1715." London, 1970. (3)

Du Pasquier, J. Thierry. "Records of Huguenots in France." Salt Lake City, UT: World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar, 1969. (1)

Dupuy, B.H. "The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and his Descendants." Louisville, KY: for the author, 1908. Washington, DC: The Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, Reprint. (1)

Durand, of Dauphine: "A Huguenot Exiled for his Religion, with a Description of Virginia and Maryland." From the Hague edition of 1687... NY: The Press of the Pioneers. 1934. (1)

Easterby, J.H. "Guide to the Study and Reading of South Carolina History: A General Classified Bibliography." Columbia, 1950. (2)

Ebrard, Friedrich. "Early Huguenot Settlers of Karlshafen, Hessen, Germany." Flensburg, 1963. (2)

Elliott, Richard R. "The French Protestants of the Abbeville District, South Carolina, 1761-1765." Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society, 2 (1858): 75-103. (1)

England, S.L. "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew." London, 1938. (3)

Erbe, Hellmuth. "Die Hugenotten in Deutschland." Essen, 1937. (2)

Erlanger, P. "Le Massacre de la St. Barthelemy." (Translation P. O'Brien). Paris. (3)

Erman and Reclam. "Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des refugies francais dans les etats du Roi." Berlin (1782-1799) (2)

Faus, Albert B. and Caius M. Brumbaugh. "Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, or Indianapolis, IN: Ye Olde Genealogical Shoppe. 1976. (1)

Federn, C. "Mazarin." Paris, 1935. (3)

Flournoy, Madge Emma. "Gibson Flournoy and Related Families." Birmingham, AL: 1972. (1)

Fontaine, James. "Memoirs of a Huguenot Family and Other Family Manuscripts." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company, Reprint, 1973. (1)

Forbes, Allan. "The Boston French: A Collection of Facts and Incidents with Appropriate Illustrations Relating to Some Well known Citizens of France, Who Found Homes in Boston and New England." Cottonport, LA: Polyanthos. Reprint. 1971. (1)

Forbes, Jeanne A. "Records of the Town of New Rochelle, 1699-1818." New Rochelle, NY, 1916. (2)

Fosdick, Lucian J. "The French Blood in America." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Reprint, 1973. (1)

Foster, Sir. W. "Guide to the India Office Records." London, 1600-1858. (3)

French Protestant Church, Charleston, SC. "The Huguenot Church...Charleston, SC." Evans & Cogswell Co., 1912. (1)

Friedrichs, H. "How to Find German Ancestors." London, 1974. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Census Returns 1841-1881," on Microfilm. London. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Marriage, Census and Other Indexes for the Family Historian." London. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Wills and Where to Find Them." London. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Probate Jurisdictions." London. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Where to Find the International Genealogical Index." London. (3)

Gibson, J.S.W. "Bishops Transcripts and Marriage Licenses." London. (3)

______________. "The Gentleman's Magazine." London (1713-1868). (3)

Giesler, J.G. L. "Die Protestantische Kirche." 1935. (3)

Gilbert, Anne C. "Pierre Gilbert, esq. the Devoted Huguenot, A History of the French Settlement of New Bordeaux, South Carolina." n.p.: The Author, 1976. (1)

Gilman, Charles Malcolm Brookfield. "The Huguenot Migration in Europe and America, Its Cause and Effect." 1962. (2)

Giuseppi, Montague Spencer. "Naturalization of Foreign Protestants in the American and West Indian Colonies." Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore. Reprint, 1969. (2)

Goree, Langston James, and Janice Curtis Pampell. "Master Index to the Huguenot: the Biennial Publication of the Huguenot Society, Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia, 1707-1750." Bryan, TX: Family History Foundation, 1986. (1)

Goss, C.W.F. "The London Directories, 1677-1855." London. (3)

Goubert, P. "Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen." Paris, 1970. (3)

Gourdin, Virginia. "Huguenot Research Abroad for Amateur Genealogists." Huguenot Society of South Carolina. Transactions, 84 (1979) 42-51. (1)

Graham, N.H. "Parish Registers, Copies and Indexes, Inner & Outer London." London. (3)

Graham, N.H. "Nonconformist and Foreign Registers of Inner London." London. (3)

Grant, A.J. "The Huguenots." London, 1934. (3)

Grant, A.J. and R. Mayo. "The Huguenots." London, 1973. (3)

Grant, A.J."The French Monarchy." London, 1910. (3)

Grell, Ole Peter. "Dutch Calvinists in Early Stuart London: The Church in Austin Friars, 1603-1642." NY: E.J. Brill, 1989. (1)

Grosley, P.J. "A Tour of London." London, 1772. (3)

Guren, William Collings Lukis. "The Huguenot, Daniel Guerin, and his Descendants." London: for the author, 1873. (1)

Gwynn, Robin D. "A Huguenot Heritage." London, 1984. (3)

Gwynn, Robin D."The Distribution of Huguenot Refugees in England." Huguenot Society of London, Proceedings, 21 (1966) 404-436. Includes maps. (1)

Gwynn, Robin D. "The Arrival of Huguenot Refugees in England, 1680-1705." Huguenot Society of London, Proceedings, 21 (1966): 366-373. (1)

Haag, Eugene Emile. "La France protestants." 10 vols. Paris: 1847-1859; 2nd ed. Biographies to letter G. (Gasparin), 6 vols. Paris: 1877-1887. (1)

Hamilton-Edwards, G. "In Search of Army Ancestry." London, 1978. (3)

Hanotaux, G. & The duc de La Force. "Histoire du Cardinal Richelieu. Paris, 1896, 1947. (3)

Hardy, W.J. & Page, W. "Calendar of Feet of Fines for London and Middlesex. London. (3)

Harris, Estelle. "Early Huguenot Settlements:" Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, Vol. 64, p. 481 & p. 551. (2)

Harrison, Fairfax. "Frenchman in Virginia, Being the Memoirs of a Huguenot Refugee in 1686." Richmond: for the author, 1923. (1)

Hartog, G.L. "Register der Protocollen van Notarissen in Nederland." (3)

Hebert, Donald J. "Index and Key Words to Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens by Bona Arsenault." Cecilia. LA: for the author, 1979. (1)

Heritier, J. "Catherine de Medici." Translaton by C. Haldane. 1963. (3)

Hessels, J.H. "Register of he Dutch Church of Austin Friars, 1568-1872." London. (3)

Hiedgerd, Ruth P. "Early Church Records of Mawnheim, 1651-1710." New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Volume 110 (1979). In 1666, 434 heads of families were French. (1)

Hill, Glenna See. "Huguenot Ancestors." Documented by the Huguenot Society of New Jersey. Bloomfield, NJ: The Society,. 1975. (1)

Hill, Mrs. Lyman P. "The Huguenot Historian: A Journal of Huguenot History and Genealogy." (1)

Hirsch, Arthur Henry. "The Huguenots of Colonial South Carolina." Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1928. (1)

Hodson, V.C.P. "India Office Records." London. (3)

Hoes, Roswell Randell. "Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the old Dutch Church of Kingston, Ulster County, NY." G.P.C. (Reprint) (2)

Houdaille, Jacques A. "French Refugees in the United States, 1790-1810:" National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Vol. 51 pp. 209-213, 1963. (2)

Howe, Mrs. C.G. and Mrs. Charles F. Middleton. "The Minutes of St. Michael's Church of Charleston, SC from 1758-1797." Charleston, nd. (2)

Hozier's "Grand Armorial de France." Paris, 1695. (3)

Various publications and proceedings:
Huguenot and Historical Association of New Rochelle, NY.
Huguenot and Walloon Gazette Assn., Great Bedwin, Wiltshire, Eng.
Huguenot Society of America, New York.
Huguenot Society of London.
Huguenot Society of New Jersey, Bloomfield, NJ.
Huguenot Society of Ontario, Ontario, Canada.
Huguenot Society of Pennsylvania.
Huguenot Society of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin in the Colony of VA.

Hurst, Q. "Henry of Navarre." London, 1937. (3)

Jackson, Lady C. "The Last of the Valois." Two vols. London, 1895. (3)

James, G.P.R. "The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre." Three vols. London, 1847. (3)

Janelle, P. "The Catholic Reformation." London, 1949.

Jette, Rene. "Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families du Quebec." Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Les Presses de l'Universite de Montreal, 1983. (1)

Jongla de Morreau, H. "Armorial Generale de France." Paris. (3)

Jones, P.E. & Smith, R. "Guide to the Records of the City of London Record Office & Guildhall Library. London. (3)

Jones, W. Mac. "The Douglas Register." G.P.C. (Reprint) (2)

Kelley, C.G. "French Protestantism, 1559-1562. London, 1918. (3)

Kershaw, W.L. "Protestants from France in their English Homes." London, 1885. (3)

King William Parish, Virginia. 'Vestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia, 1707-1750." Midlothian, VA: Manakin Episcopal Church Reprint, 1966. (1)

Kingdon, R.M. "Geneva and the Coming of the Wars of Religion in France, 1555-1563." London, 1956.

Kingdon, R.M. "Geneva and the Concolidation of the French Protestant Movement, 1564-1572. London, 1967. (3)

Knox, S.J. "Ireland's Debts to the Huguenots." London, 1959. (3)

Koehler, Albert F. "The Huguenots or Early French in New Jersey." Bloomfield, New Jersey, 1955. (2)

Koenigsberger, H.G. "Western Europe and the Rise of Spain." New Modern Cambridge History, Vol. III. London. (3)

La Coste, Auguste. "Le Grand Refuge, Particulierement en Suisse, 1685-1700." Societe Suisse d'Etudes genealogiques, Bern, Switzerland, 1951. (2)

Lanier, Elsie. "Huguenot Settlements in the United States," Palm Beach Genealogical, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 1970. (2)

Lart, Charles Edmond. "Huguenot Pedigrees." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Reprint, 1793. (1)

Lart, Charles Edmund. "French Noblesse." Genealogists' Magazine. 7 (1936), 229-242, 281-288. (1)

Lart, Charles Edmund. "The Huguenot Church in Caen in the 16th Century." London, 1927. (3)

Latane, Lucy Temple. "Parson Latane, 1677-1732." Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Co., 1936. (1)

Lavisse, E. "Historie de la France." Vols. VI, VII and VIII, Paris, 1904-8. (3)

Lawlor, Hugh Jackson. "The Fasti of St. Patrick's, Dublin." Dundalk, 1930. (2)

Lawton, Eba Anderson. "Family Names of Huguenot Refugees to America." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1964. (1)

Leathes, Sir S. "Henry IV or France." Cambridge Modern History, Vol. III. London. (3)

Leclerc, J. "Toleraton and the Reformation." Translated by J. Weston. (3)

Lee, Grace Lawless. "The Huguenot Settlements in Ireland." London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1936. (1)

Lee, Hannah Farnham Sawyer. "The Huguenots in France and America." Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Reprint, 1973. (1)

Le Fanu, T.P. "Huguenot Veterans in Dublin." Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Vol. 72, pp 64-70. (2)

LeFevre, Ralph. "History of New Platz, New York. and Its Old Families (from 1678 to 1820)." 2nd Ed. Albany: 1909. Reprinted: Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973. (1)

LeFevre, Ralph. "The Huguenots of Ulster County." Newburgh: 1894. (1)

Lefoy, J.P. "Leffoy de Cambrai by a Cadet." Note: This is one of the many family histories, some of them unpublished or privately printed in the library of the Huguenot Society of London. Available to Fellows and Members only. London. (3)

Leiby, Adrian C. "The Huguenot Settlement of Schraalenburgh: the History of Bergenfield, New Jersey." Bergenfield, NJ: Bergenfield Free Public Library, 1964. (1)

Leonard, E.G. "A History of Protestantism." London, 1964. (3)

______________. "Lewis's Topographical Dictionary." London. (3)

Local Population Studies. "Original Paris Registers." Four Vols. London, 1793.

Lorant, Stefan. "The New World, With Contemporary Narratives of the Huguenot Settlers in Florida, 1562-1565 and the Virginia Colony, 1585-1590." New York, NY. 1946. (2)

Lough, J. (ed). "Loche's Travels in France." London, 1953. (3)

Macco, H.F. "Swiss Immigrants to the Palatines in Germany and to America, 1650-1800, and Huguenots in the Palatines and Germany." 2 microfilm reels, file # 823,861 and 823,862. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Library. (1)

Mackinnon, J. "Calvin and the Reformation." London, 1936. (3)

Manakin Episcopal Church, Midlothian, VA. "Vestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia, 1707-1750." Richmond, VA: Whittet and Shepperson, 1966. (1)

________________. "Marriages of Persons from Alsace and Lorraine (France) in the Church of St. Vincent de Paul in New York City from 1843-1846." Microfiche # 6056939. Salt Lake City, UT: Family History Center. (1)

Mariejol, J.H. "La Reforme et la Ligue. L'edit de Nantes, 1559-1598." Article in"Historie de France dupuis les Origines jusqu'a la Revolution." ed. Lavisse, Vol. IV, Pt. 1. Paris, 1904. (3)

Mariejol, J.H. "Henri IV et Louis XIII, 1598-1643." Article in"Historie de France dupuis les Origines jusqu'a la Revolution." ed. Lavisse, Vol. IV, Pt. 1. Paris, 1904. (3)

Marion, M."Dictionnaire des Institutions de la France au 17e et 18e siecles." Paris, 1923. (3)

Marshall, G.W."The Genealogist's Guide." London. (3)

Martyn, W.C. "A History of the Huguenots." NY: American Tract Society, 1866. (1)

Maupir, Gabrielle. "Huguenot Refugees in the Settling of Colonial America." New York, NY: Huguenot Society of America, 1985. (1)

Mayo, Ronald. "The Huguenots in Bristol." Bristol: Bristol Branch of the Historical Association, 1985. (1)

McAllister, John Meriweather. "Genealogies of the Lewis and Kindred Families." Columbia, MO: E.W. Stephens Publishing Co., 1906. (1)

McCall, R.A. "The Huguenots in Ulster." 1915. (2)

McDowell, Dorothy Kelly. "Dubose Genealogy." Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Co., 1972. (1)

Medlycott, M.T. "City of London Freedom Registers." London, 1976. (3)

Menk, Patricia Holbert. "Notes on Some Early Huguenot Settlements in Virginia." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. 52 (1944): 194-196. (1)

Mettam, R. "Government and Society in Louis XIV's France." London, 1970. (3)

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