Submitted by GFS
I went to a lecture at Gen Tech to learn about organization. Ironically, I do most of what was suggested.
I have two file cabinets, three free standing bookcases and one built in.
I am down to four more boxes to file and enter, not counting what a cousin gave me upon her death.
My data still over flows.
- Online genealogy is faster and quicker and we are not prepared for it.
- We gather more not-needed data than before :) VBG
- In hopes of gaining a clue we over save, and I can agree with the speaker on that.
- I have my data finally (not all yet) entered into three-ring binders on shelves.
For small lineages I use a folder with 3 clips and side sleeves.
When it expands, I then move it to three-ring binder.
- The binder has side sleeves for loose pieces until I can get it into sleeve and binder
for security reasons. Acid Free
- I have each binder according to name, some sub names in a few, with little data.
- I color code the binders to keep lineages straight and know which family.
My folders are the same color as 3-ring binder for sub families.
- I dropped many lists, because we cannot do all the lines at once, try to
CONCENTRATE on one name at a time and area. Big help
- If data starts to flow in on another line, then set the line your working on aside,
until it springs up again. Do not fight the flow of energy.
- If worst comes to worst, file at least weekly,
Hope this helps some of you. And if you have better ideas, I could sure use them.
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