"An Inventory of the Estate of John Waldo late of Windham who deceased Aprill 14th 1700-
£ s d
Imps. The dwelling house & an acre of land at 06 ,, 00 ,, 00
FrAnnng Timbr & boards 6-8-0 a Seller stoned 2-0-0 08 ,, 00 ,, 00
The Mill, and Mill work, with all the privileges, the tackle } 35 ,, 00 ,, 00
rope & Eye rope the Sledge and Crow, an axx, mill picks }
The Land at the Crotch Field with the fence 25 ,, 00 ,, 00
Three acres of meadow at Willamantick 30s 3 acres at Saw Mill meadow 24s 02 ,, 14 ,, 00
21/2 acres Land at Nachaug 10s. the Pasture Lott 5l 05 ,, 10 ,, 00
the 16 acre Lott 5l eleven acres on Chesnut hill 5l 10 ,, 00 ,, 00
the 80 acres Lott between the lines 51- five acres on the Mill plain 5l 10 ,, 00 ,, 00
the 100 acres lott 8l Land yett to be Laid out, 10l 18 ,, 00 ,, 00
Plate 25l -7-0. a hatt 15s - a Cloak 40s. velvet breeches 15s 28 ,, 17 ,, 00
Leather Wastcoat 12s-Leather Jackett 6s. Leather Wastcoat 4s 01 ,, 02 ,, 00
Serge Wastcoat. 13s. a Kersey Coat. 20s. Leather breeches 6s 01 ,, 19 ,, 00
2. pair woosted Stockens 8s-a pair thredd Stockens 2s two shurts. 9s 00 ,, 19 ,, 00
boots & spurrs 18s, getting a load Ceeder 6s. Stones for Chimney 6s 01 ,, 10 ,, 00
feather bed and bolster 4l Cover lidds, red and blew, 35s white blanket 4s 05 ,, 19 ,, 00
bedstead & Cord 10s Glass Case 10s feather bed & bolster 41 05 ,, 00 ,, 00
feather bed & bolster 3l 10s a small bed & bolster 25s four pillows 10s 05 ,, 05 ,, 00
green rug 3s. two Coverlids. 32s. a quilt. 10s. 3 blankets 15s 03 ,, 00 ,, 00
Cradle rug 2s 6d. bedsted & Cord 8s. four new hatts. 4s. a trunck 6s 01 ,, 00 ,, 06
Irons. 18s. a warming pan, 10s. two pillions. 18s. a box 2a. 02 ,, 08 ,, 00
76lbs pewter 4l 15s. a Copper Kettle 50s. brass pot & hooks, 10s. 07 ,, 15 ,, 00
3 brass skillets. 7s 6d. brass Skimer. 2s. brass candlestick. 2s 00 ,, 11 ,, 06
Chafendish. 2s. Tin Lamp & Tunell. 18d. great Iron pott 21s 6d 01 ,, 05 ,, 00
Little Iron pott & hooks. 10s. Iron pott 1s. Iron kettle. 5s. a Jack 20s 01 ,, 16 ,, 00
frying pan. 4s. stewpan. 10s. Iron lamp 1s. tongs 4s. hand bellows. 2s. 01 ,, 01 ,, 00
white Curtains and Vallens. 52s. a Scotch cloth Sheet. 14s white Ozenbrigs Sheet. 5s 03 ,, 11 ,, 00
a pr. Cotton & Linen Sheets. 12s. a pr Linnen Sheets. 6s. a Cotton & a Linnen Sheet. 10s 01 ,, 08 ,, 00
a pr. Sheets. 7s. a Linnen Sheet. 5S. two holland pillow beers 5s. 3 pillowbeers 4S 6d 01 ,, 01 ,, 06
2 pr. ozenbrig pillow beers. 5S. 3 Cotton & Linnen pillow beers. 4s 6d. a towell. 2s 00 ,, 11 ,, 06
2 holland Table Cloths. 3s 6d. a Cubbard Cloth 4s. 5 Linnen Table Cloaths. 10s 00 ,, 17 ,, 06
a bolster Case 2s. 7 linnen Napkins. 4s 8s. 2 Course Towells 1s. many scales 6s 00 ,, 13 ,, 08
Looking Glass. 10s. books. 35s. Stilliards. 10s. Long Gun. 2s. 6d. short gun. 20s 05 ,, 01 ,, 00
a Saddle & furniture & 2 bridles. 22s. wainscott Chest with drawers 10s 01 ,, 12 ,, 00
a Wainscott Chest. 6s. a chest. 2s. a Cabinett with drawers. 6s. a trunk. 4s. 00 ,, 18 ,, 00
a little trunk. 3s. 3 Sives. 2s. a Linnen Wheele 4s. box iron & heaters 3s. 00 ,, 12 ,, 00
4 Trays. 2s. a pail 6d. 9 chairs. 10s. 2. barrells. 2s. washing tubb 1s. 00 ,, 15 ,, 06
a Sledge. 9s. a broad axx. 7s. a broad axx 4s. Augers 1s. 6d. 2 taper bitts 18d. 01 ,, 03 ,, 00
a round shave. 18d. 2. Squares. 1s. 4. Gouges. 4s. 3 broad Chisells. 4s. 00 ,, 10 ,, 06
3 narrow Chissells. 18d. a creasing plain. 1s, a pair Coopers Compasses. 2s. Coopers adz 18d 00 ,, 06 ,, 00
a howell. 18d. a drawing Knife. 18d. 3 Carpenters hamers 3s. 2 plain Irons. 1s 00 ,, 07 ,, 00
a foreplain. 18d. 206lbs weight of old Iron. 40s. a Sickell. 1s. 02 ,, 02 ,, 06
a Sett rope hooks. 8s. a rasp. 1s. 2 pecks. 8s. two hone. 2d. a hand hamer. 18d. 00 ,, 16 ,, 06
2 narrow axes. 8s. a hatchett, 18d. a hair rope. 2s. a shoemakers Kitt. 5s. 00 ,, 16 ,, 06
a pair bellows. 30s. 8lbs feathers. 5s. 7. dry barrells. 6s. a box rule. 2s. an adz. 5s. 02 ,, 08 ,, 00
coopers croaz. 18d. a froe (?). 18d. two handsaws. 6s. a Grindstone & winch. 10s. 00 ,, 19 ,, 00
a Coopers Joynter. 2s four Cows and. 3. Calves. 10l. a broken tail mare. 20s. 11 ,, 02 ,, 00
9. Swine, 3l. a Clock. 4l. two brushes. 18d. Curtains & Vallens. 18s 08 ,, 01 ,, 06
Streaked Curtains & Vallens. 15s. a hack Tramell. 15s. a rasp 1s. 01 ,, 11 ,, 00
a Cannoo. 10s. a Cow bell. 4s. a Negro gurle. 6l. 06 ,, 14 ,, 00
due to the Estate debts by bill. 25l. and by book 34s in money, 20l. 46 ,, 14 ,, 00
a Sett of hoops for wheels. Cath [?] 10s. two wheel boxes. 25 a shaft hoop. 5s. 00 ,, 17 ,, 00
a Steel trapp. 15s. a bick iron. 18d, eight pounds old Iron. 16d 00 ,, 16 ,, 10
Totall is £292 ,, 07 ,, 00
Apprized by us. JOHN FITCH. JONATHAN CRANE, Aprill. 30th. 1700.
Sworn to. before JOSHUA RIGLEY J. P.
Debts due from the said Estate, are 28 , , 00 , , 00
& funerall Charges. 19s taking this Inventory 6s. 6d. 01 , . 06 , , 06
29 , , 6 , , 6 "
" John Waldo of Windham (Sonn of John Waldo late of said Windham decd) appeared before a Court of Probate at Hartford. November llth. 1701, and made oath
that he bad truly presented the Estate to the apprizers and that if more appears, he will cause it to be added to the Inventory.
" There being some of the Children of age The Court proceed to distribute the Estate as followeth: Estate being first sequestered to pay debts.
To the Wid° One third part of the personall Estate to be to her proper use and behoof forever. And one third part of the Reall Estate during her natnrall life
-To the eldest Son a double portion of both Reall and personall estate
-To the Rest of the Children Equall Shares In the Remaining Estate to be distributed to them or their Legall Representatives
-What any of the Children hav already recd. of their fathers Estate it shall be accounted in part of their portions, or in whole.
The Sons to Recive their portions at 21 years of age and the daughters at 18 or day of marriage which shall first happen.
And the Remaindr after the decease of the Wido. to be devided according to this Rule
-If any of the Children happen to dye before they Come of age to Receive his or her portion Such part shall be equally devided amongst the Survivors.
The Court doe appoynt and Impower Leiutt John Fitch and Ensign Jonath. Crane to distribute the said estate according to this order and that they Return
an accot of their doings thereon to the Court in September next."
Hartford March 2, 1702-3.