To download or not to download
To download or not to download.
Want to find out more about a file or program before you download it? Generally there is a good description to help you decide if you really want to read it. The file itself sometimes must be downloaded and can not be read online, but you may want to know more before you download it. In this case, you can send an email question to the person who uploaded this file. Anyone can upload a file and each person writes his/her own file description as well, so the uploader is best suited to answer your questions. Look again at the file's description and see who it is listed as being "Uploaded By" and compose an email to that email address to get more information about their uploaded file. The uploader's name may not show their full email address, as we didn't bother to list "" while we were the Genealogy Forum of America Online so you can generally assume that, at least at the time of upload, any screenname or email address not containing an "@" symbol will have been for an "" address.
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