Basic Steps For Choosing a GSP

    Listed below are 4 steps that will help you to choose the right Genealogy Software Program that will most closely fit your needs.

    Step 1 - Decide what your needs are

    Before you can look at the features and functions of a GSP you need to know something about what you want to do with your data. There are all sorts of reasons for why people do genealogy. Review the text "Response to Genealogy and GSP Questionnaire" for ideas on how others have expressed their thoughts.

    Answer these 4 simple questions:
      1. WHY are you doing genealogy?
      2. WHAT do you plan to do with your research results?
      3. HOW do you "expect" a GSP to help you achieve the results to "B" above?
      4. Are you willing to spend some time NOW in investigating software options so that your needs (as stated in "C" above) can be met? So that down the road you won't face a time when you are dissatisfied because you suddenly realize you chose GSP A when GSP B would better suit those needs.

    Step 2 - Review "GSP features and functions

    Learn about how GSPs work and what kinds of functions they perform. You may have to trade one function for another but at least you will be aware of those functions you want the GSP you choose to perform.

    Step 3 - Read the GSP Reviews

    Find out how the various programs work, what functions are better in some, worse in others. Then choose a few GSPs with the best combination to suit your needs and talk to other users in the Software chat or download a demo or shareware to really look at the ones you are considering.

    Step 4 - Browse the Web Sites

    Take a look at the manufacturers comments about their software product. Compare features and functions to price and convenience.

    Then, and only then, choose a Genealogy Software Program that suits "YOUR" needs

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