Rate Your GSP

    How Does Your GSP Measure Up?

    Following is a list of functions and utilities that you can use to rate the Genealogy Software Program you are considering for purchase or for upgrading your present software.

      Rate each on a scale of 1 - 5 using the key below -

        KEY -
        1 = most desirable
        2 = would like but can work around
        3 = not sure
        4 = can live without
        5 = not interested in having it

    If you have any "3's" in your evaluation you can learn more about them by visiting "GSPs - How They Work" at the main screen of this module.

      Pedigree Chart Options
      1. Cascading ____
      2. (When appropriate) to disable boxes and borders ____
      3. To compile up to 6 generations on a single sheet with no loss of information. ____
      4. Disable LDS events for printing ____

      Family Group Sheet Options:
      1. To exclude confidential information when printed ____
      2. To select individual families for batch printing ____
      3. Disable LDS events for printing ____

      All Report Options:
      1. To include/exclude individuals ____
      2. To chose information to be included based on database fields. ____

      1. For picture storage ____
      2. Printing of pictures to Family Group sheets ____
      3. Printing of pictures as album ____

      Match/Merge control
      1. Auto and individual only ____
      2. Decision to merge for each match ____

      Family Register (Book) Report Options:
      1. To Printer only ____
      2. Export in RTF formatting ____
      3. For composition ____
      4. Indexing ____
      5. For Register or NGS numbering system ____
      6. Ability to create unique reports based on database fields ____

      1. Single field ____
      2. Multiple field with ditto manager ____
      3. Standard format guide ____
      4. Comment field for remarks ____

      1. Export of part of database ____
      2. Import of part of GEDCOM for appending ____
      3. Options of what information to include in the GEDCOM ____

      Notes - is adequate space provided for:
      1. Individual notes that will accommodate histories ____
      2. Family or marriage notes ____
      3. Medical Information ____

      1. Is there a tutorial? ____
      2. Are the instructions adequate? easy to follow? ____
      3. Are there additional "helps" in the file? ____

      1. Multiple Parent Options in cases of Adoption ____
      2. LDS Ordinance Event Fields (3 for individual, 1 for marriage) ____
      3. Multiple Event Fields for Unique Events ____
      4. Time/Date options (D,M,Y - M,D,Y etc.) ____
      5. Multiple date/place entry for conflicting event sources ____

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