Ode To A GSP
Come stroll with me
Through a "GSP" -
And see it from the inside out -
We'll view it all
Before you install -
So you'll know what they're all about!
Let's start with a part
Called a "Pedigree" chart -
Where you walk your ancestral halls-
You can print it to fit
In a folder thick -
Or extend it and paper your walls!
In family groups
You can view the troops -
Add a child, a parent or spouse -
You can edit and merge,
When you have the urge,
To clean or repair your house.
Entering a source
For events, of course,
It's easy, just a simple touch -
Just click on the field
And a place is revealed
For a Title, an Author and such.
Then when you "bingo"?
(That's chat room lingo)
For connecting with a "cuz" or two -
You can share with dispatch,
Via e-mail attach,
Through the magic a GEDCOM will do.
Oh there's more you'll see
If you stroll with me -
There are lists and books and reports -
There's pictures and timelines,
Graphics and maplines -
And forms you can print of all sorts.
So before you install
Review them all!
Take a look at what each one will do -
Then choose with care,
(Let the buyer beware),
Make sure it's the best one for YOU!
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