Software Feature
Help Files

    GSP "Help" Files vary from software product to software product. Most Help Files contain at least three items:

    --Search by Subject

    --Search the Index of words

    --The "About..." which contains information on your software.

    In addition to these items some software contain genealogical help in the form of printable forms, glossary of terminology, helpful hints for research and, in one case, all the addresses of the National, State and Local offices where you might find records.

    "Help" Can Solve Many Problems

    Most of us, me included, under-use the Help Files. When you have a question about how to do a particular task, first look in your help file under subject and then under keyword in the Index. Browsing the Help File may alert you to features you didn't know the GSP was capable of.

    When reviewing a GSP consider what the manufacturer says about their manual and the online files available to you.

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